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Panel Members: Kay Selwyn (Chair), Ruth Bonser (Vice Chair), Robin Agascar, Gareth Kitchen, Richard Townshend, Steve Talbot, Camella Cephas, Zunaid Raja
Police Officers and Staff: A/Insp. Ash Shingler, PS Grant White, Annabel Staley
Apologies: John Sharrock, Susan Taylor
Minutes: Annabel Staley
All panel members introduced themselves. They decided to first look at Stop Searches carried out under Section 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal between the last meeting (1st April 2021) and today (6th May 2021).
Date: April 2021 Time: 2030 – 2035 Sex: Female Ethnicity: White
Age: over 18
Location: Gloucester
Grounds: Female matched the description of an individual reported to be running away from a burglary. Female was detained by an officer based on her appearance. Male had run off in an unknown direction.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 2310 – 2320
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White Age: under 18 Location: Tewkesbury Grounds: Male was seen to suddenly sprint into a close in dark clothing. Male stated that he was collecting a bike from a relative. Male appeared nervous and was not able to provide details (name, address etc.) of the family member. Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 1830 – 1837
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: over 18 Location: Gloucester
Grounds: Male not known to live in the building but was seen to walk into a bikeshed where several bike thefts have been recently reported. Male was acting suspiciously and was detained by residents at the location.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 0005 – 0013
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Mixed: White and Black Caribbean
Age: over 18
Location: Gloucester
Grounds: Black BMW X3 reacted to police. 4 persons left the vehicle and ran to a nearby front garden. Here, the officer detained 2 individuals, who both claimed they had been in the car but stated that they were not the driver.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA
Panel Decision: The panel asked why the officers were initially following the car. Incident states the car failed to stop and insurance was not held. The details given by those detained were different to those registered on the vehicle, which suggested that the car had been stolen. The car was initially seized but one individual returned to the police station with a new-keeper slip. GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 0000 – 0005
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: over 18
Location: Gloucester
Grounds: Same as above (129122).
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 1532 – 1547
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Coleford
Grounds: Reports of 2 males entering an unsecure property. Police find 2 males walking away from the property in an attempt to avoid police.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: Taken home to parents address and given words of advice Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 1443 – 1444
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Mixed: White and Black Caribbean
Age: under 18
Location: Coleford
Grounds: Same as above (129120)
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: Taken home to parents address and given words of advice Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 2142 – 2146
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Mixed: White and Black Caribbean
Age: under 18 Location: Gloucester
Grounds: Report of an intruder alarm at Homebase. A male was stopped walking away from the location, 50 yards away. No other persons were in the vicinity.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA
Panel Decision: The panel asked for the time difference between the call being made and the time of the search. It was confirmed that the initial call came in at 21:32 and the first officer arrived at scene at 21:39. GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 0158 – 0205
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Male found in the vicinity of an attempted break in. Male looked like he was trying to evade the police by crossing the road.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA
Panel Decision: The panel asked for the time difference between the call being made and the time of the search. It was confirmed that the call came in at 0130 and the first officer arrived at the scene at 0143. Further, the panel noted that the age group states 19-30 y/o but the individual involved in the S&S is 17 y/o. Action: A/Insp. Shingler to follow this up. GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 2005 – 2010
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Suspect was in the rear of a vehicle which had been reported as stolen 30 minutes before. An anonymous caller reported that 3 males had broken into the car and stolen it.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA
Panel Decision: The panel asked for more information. The incident showed that the car had smashed windows. A stinger was used and was successful. Officers NFA’d the individuals because, following a conversation with the registered keeper, it became apparent that the car had been sold a few days before but it had not been re-registered correctly. It was therefore not believed to be stolen. The car was seized because the driver had no insurance. GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 2005 – 2010
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Same as above (129059)
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 2000 – 2006
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Same as above (129059) – female located in the front passenger seat and didn’t want to give her details over.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 0122 – 0124
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: over 18 Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Report of 4 males acting suspiciously carrying a mattress. Caller heard males talking about gaining entrance to a building site. The mattress had blood on and males had particles from the building site on their clothing.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 0122 – 0124
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Same as above (129036)
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 0122 – 0124
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Same as above (129036)
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 0122 – 0124
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18
Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Same as above (129036)
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: NFA Panel Decision: GREEN
Date: April 2021
Time: 0000 – 0010
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: over 18 Location: Cheltenham
Grounds: Male initially made off from police on an expensive pushbike. When stopped, the male stated that it was not his bike and couldn’t account for where he had got it from. Male had recent previous for theft of pushbikes.
Legislation: Sec. 1 PACE: Going Equipped to Steal
Outcome: Suspect arrested Panel Decision: GREEN
The panel decided to change to look at Stop Searches carried out under Section 43: Terrorism Act 2000 between the last meeting (1st April 2021) and today (6th May 2021).
Date: May 2021
Time: 1100 – 1121
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Minchinhampton
Grounds: Vehicle registered out of force. Occupants recorded on PNC for a variety of offences. Stopped and detained on royal estate protected by police. Assisting the Metropolitan Police.
Legislation: Sec. 43: Terrorism Act 2000
Outcome: NFA
Panel Decision: The panel asked for more information about why they were stopped. This incident is restricted so no further details could be obtained. Action: A/Insp. Shingler will ask to view the restricted incident and will report back. AMBER
Date: April 2021
Time: 1226 – 1227
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: under 18 Location: Gloucester
Grounds: Lone male seen walking around videoing a police building. When asked who he was, the male would not give a name or say why he was videoing police buildings.
Legislation: Sec. 43: Terrorism Act 2000
Outcome: NFA
Panel Decision: The panel had differing views on the decision to S&S this male. Some members felt the reaction was too strong and that the male should be completely free to film on public property. Others believed it was fair to challenge and, as the male did not provide his details, move to a search. Action: A/Insp. Shingler to see if anymore information can be obtained about this S&S. AMBER
The panel decided to use the next meeting (3rd June 2021) to ask CI Pegler questions about the S&S report. The deadline for submitting questions to the Chair is the 20th May 2021. The panel also decided to continue meeting monthly.
The Chair thanked everyone for their contributions.